Young Men Rites of Passage Program,

Program Description:
"...If you don’t initiate the youth, they will burn down the village..." -African proverb
What kind of massage are we sending to or youth? What kind of passages do youth go through in today’s modern world in becoming an adult? There is a huge part missing in how today’s children transition into adulthood. As children grow up they find ways to “push their edge” to test themselves as part of an ancient human need to find out who they are. Today’s teenagers mostly find this edge through television, drugs, sex, and violence.
For the first time Children of the Earth Foundation is offering a program for teens to begin to earn their rites into adulthood through the purity of wilderness, ceremony, survival living, and solo experience. This will be a unique course unlike any other at Coyote Tracks. Throughout the week each student will begin to understand their “higher self” through a balance of mind, body, and spirit. This will open the doorway into finding purpose and meaning in life along with a sense of being a part of something greater than self. We will support their new discoveries by facilitating the integration of their gifts and visions into the everyday world.
An important part of the rites of passage, parents are required to attend a day and half workshop when they arrive with their child and participate in re-joining ceremony at the end of the week when they come to pick up their child. The on going parental involvement is crucial as the child transitions into adulthood. As part of Coyote Tracks support we will run follow-up weekend workshops and have an on-going support through telephone and e-mail.
Comming for the summer of 2007, this special COTEF program is someithing our youth so desperatley. We are looking into various levels of passage involving the use of survival skills and the way of the scout. We hope to revitalize rites of passage for children to transition into healthy, authentic adults with a solid foundation rooted in the purity of the Earth.
We will be updating this course as the year unfolds, please call us if you have any questions.
- $1250 for both Parents and Teen, $500 Each Additional