The event was a great success with a lot of fun and funds raised for the Tracker Non-profits. Thank you to everyone who attended, volunteered and donated items for our silent auction. Over $12,000 was raised for the non-profits!
Click Here for the event photo album
Click Here to view the Tracker School 30 years of history photo album
A New Way to Give!
Your Online Habits Can Donate to Children of the Earth!
Instead of "Googling", try GoodSearch! Visit GoodSearch: (which directly links to The Children of the Earth Foundation as your non-profit of choice). Then use GoodSearch as you would any search engine. It's powered by Yahoo so you get the same great features you're used to and each search you do will result in a donation to the Children of the Earth Foundation! Also click on GoodShop, By entering some of your favorite sites through GoodShop, at least 1.5% and up to 38% of your purchase price will be donated to Children of the Earth!
For donations via credit card click:
The Children of the Earth Foundation is a (501)(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to teaching youth about stewardship of the Earth through the arts of wilderness survival, tracking, and nature awareness.
The Children of the Earth Foundation needs your support.
Your donation will help us:
- Create scholarships for students who could not otherwise attend Coyote Tracks Programs.
- Bring a Concentric Rings Program to your hometown or school.
- Expand our programs into different areas in the country.
- And much more!
All donations are tax deductible and donors will receive appropriate documentation for tax purposes. Donors will also receive our quarterly newsletter as well as several updates throughout the year telling you of how your donation is making a difference to a child of the Earth.
"...if you Love the earth, if you hear her crying and feel her dying, then do whatever it takes to save her, but do not walk away.
...give of yourself, give of your visions and dreams, give financially, give your time,
lead someone back to the Earth, give children the gift of pure protected wilderness, give anything, but please do something..."
-Tom Brown Jr.
A quote from the Standard Classes